Tuesday, 21 February 2012

I have no idea what to puree or blend - but hey I now can (apparently!)

Ok I have gone out today and bought a rocket blender thingy. Now I have read many a blog and information site, that say these can be handy for protein drinks and other bits and pieces - SO armed with this knowledge I went to Go-Lo and there they were for under $40. I thought the price was pretty good - and it looked so pretty! Another gadget to put on the kitchen bench. I hate kitchen things that have so many pieces. I have watched infomercials and I am instantly turned off when they show a thousand pieces. But, considering this was so cheap and will only take a small amount of room on the bench  - I went for it. 

I still have to wait till the 8th March to see the doctor but I feel so much better for making the decision. 

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